This week
was kind of stressful and tense because students were very distracted and
almost nothing caught their attention. They did not want to work; it was so
difficult for me to encourage them and to make them interested in my class. Sometimes
I got upset, tired and sort of desperate because actually I did not know
exactly what was going on with my students. I could not use the video beam, so
children could not see any video about the wonders of the world, it discouraged
them, and maybe they thought I was a liar, I had promised students to show them
some videos but I could not. And it was not my fault, it was institutional
issues. Well, after all they published their informational writing. They were
highly motivated with the wonder they were writing about. They draw the places
and I played music while they were working.
Now I
believe how important the promises are for students. Teachers have talked about
it, like do not promise anything you cannot do. Students were a bit disappointed,
and me as well. Fortunately we could work, and the aims of the lesson were
achieved after all. I brought to class some pictures of the wonders of the
world instead of the videos. And they liked it. Then they work in pairs and
made a short composition about certain wonder. I also think the music made them
more relaxed and it helped them to work quietly. It seems to me that the
indiscipline was caused by the fact that they did not see any video and they
were waiting for it along the week.
I think it
is important to bear in mind any anticipated problem in order to avoid this
kind of situations in class. If I had thought about it before, I mean that the
video beam was unavailable; I would plan any other activity. I insist students
like listening to music while they are working, and it decreases the
misbehavior at all.
Well, this
week was a very good one. I really enjoy these sessions. Students liked the new
topic Vacation Time so much. They did
not misbehave. As we were talking about trips some students share their own
experiences and told the class how interesting is traveling around. I show guys
some videos about the different activities people perform on vacation. We
practice the pronunciation and spelling of the new vocabulary, I do the first
dictate to students and they did it well. The session’s time was enough to
reach the aims of each lesson.
I think
students were so focused on the topic because they are familiar with this; most
of my students had already been on vacation, so they associated what we were
learning with their own experiences and actually it causes a curiosity in
students. They were very excited because they were learning in English many
things they know in Spanish. I have to bring up what once I said before,
students love sharing experiences and telling anecdotes, and it catches the
rest of the group’s attention. When they are encouraged and motivated with
something the class flows spontaneously.
Now, I will
take into consideration how significant is to learn about any familiar issue
for students. It makes them more participative, actives, and competent.
Sometimes it is good to tell students a story or an anecdote we have
experienced before in order to increase the students’ self confidence.
week was sort of an outstanding one. First, I showed students the vocabulary
and some key phrases for doing a picture frame, they got it easily. Then
children create their own picture frame following the instructions I gave them,
it was step by step. The whole activity, I mean, the pre and the while took the
three classes we had this week. One of the steps was to measure by the ruler to
get a margin of 2 cm. it was a bit difficult to advance in the procedure
because most of did not know how to use the ruler, so I had to explain them how
to do it; students neither knew what a centimeter was. But, okay it finally
worked. They brought to class all the material required and did the picture
frame. They were so excited and expected to have excellent results; it means
that every student wanted to have the best picture frame. Even though, everyone
was quite cooperative, they helped each other and share the materials as well.
having worked with a handy craft activity I think this is incredibly attractive
for students’ attention. For instance, in my case, the activity also decreased
the indiscipline, and in contrast raised the cooperation and participation at
all despite the fact that students worked individually. Besides with his kind
of activities there is a high use of English, the instruction are given in
English, and if students do not get what they have to do next, they just ask
for an explanation in English, well although it is not well formed (grammatically)
they try to, and they let teacher know what they mean.
I will
bring to class other different handy craft activities, first because students
really like it, and also because they work well, children get involve with
this, they are so interested in what they are doing, and something important is
that they improve their relationship among each other.
Well, this week was interesting and stressful at the
same time, I had let students their first homework and they did it. They wanted
to participate because they had the whole answers and it was very motivating. We
also reviewed some grammatical structures, and new vocabulary. Students got all
the new information and did it well. Maybe some students misbehaved, so I
played a game with them in order not to get them bored. It actually worked. I
felt a bit tired and stressed because I could not spend every class playing as
they wanted. I also took students out the classroom and we did an activity
related to the topic we were working with. Maybe what I had planned was not an
appropriate option according to what was happening in class (misbehavior) so
this almost kind of disappointed me.
It took me a bit time to choose an appropriate activity
for making an interesting review of several topics at the same time. Now I
think I got it, and students enjoyed the class. Students asked me to bring
games to class more often and by the way I will. I think the discipline problem
could be caused by the class time; English class is the last one most of the
days. So students are tired, they want to finish classes quickly and go home.
Now, I it seems to me that take
students outside the classroom; give them curious and atypical materials make
them to get involved along the class. I was thinking students like too much
this kind of activities but one disadvantage could be that it makes them noisy
and anxious, and it might affect the class discipline. So it is prudent to
manage these sessions carefully, patiently and bliss. I will look for any other
game for bring it to class. I agree with teachers that think games are
significant because they are meaningful learning, and also students interact
each other using the language.